Prediktív biomarker-jelöltek elemzése az onkológiai betegségek kezelésének javítására
A kutatócsoport vezetői: SZAKÁCS GERGELY és GYŐRFFY BALÁZS

Kutatási koncepció:
Az onkológiai betegségek molekulárisan célzott terápiáját azt teszi lehetővé, hogy egyes onkogének aktiválódása miatt a sejtosztódást serkentő jelátviteli útvonalak indulnak be. Mivel ezen jelátviteli aktiválódás a tumor létrejöttének egy korai szakaszában történik meg, ezért valamennyi tumoros sejt hordozza az adott elváltozást. A jelátviteli útvonalak gátlása lehetővé teszi, hogy a tumor növekedés gátlásában jelentős hatást érjünk el, azonban mind a mai napig a célzott terápiában bevezetett szerek esetében nem lehetett kb. 50% feletti válaszadási arányt elérni. Ennek oka, hogy az egyes betegekben más jelátviteli útvonalak aktiválódnak, és eddig nem rendelkezünk olyan biomarkerekket, amelyek ezeket pontosa azonosítani tudják. Kutatásaink során célunk, hogy az emlőtumor célzott terápiájában alkalmazott szerekkel szembeni új biomarkereket azonosítsunk. Ehhez először egy meglevő beteganyagot használunk fel, hogy megfelelő bioinformatikai elemzéssel prediktív markereket azonosítsunk. Ezzel párhuzamosan olyan in vitro modell rendszert fejlesztünk ki, ahol a szóba jövő jelölteket össze tudjuk egymással hasonlítani. Vizsgálataink egyrészt segíteni fognak abban, hogy az onkológiai betegek jobb ellátást kapjanak, másrészt a jeltáviteli útvonalak átkapcsolásainak pontosabb feltérképezést és új farmakológiai gyógyszercélpontok azonosítását is lehetővé fogják tenni.
Kutatási szolgáltatások:
Bioinformatikai analízis
- Gén-chipek feldolgozása
- RNA-seq adatok feldolgozása
- Citotoxicitási esszé (HTS)
- Esszé fejlesztés
- Transzporter interakció vizsgálata
- Trastuzumab-rezisztencia modellek
Emberi erőforrások:
- Szakács Gergely, MTA TTK EI, csoportvezető
- Győrffy Balázs, MTA TTK EI, csoportvezető
- Kurkó Ibolya, asszisztens, MTA TTK EI
- Kucsma Nóra, tudományos munkatárs, MTA TTK EI
- Nagy Tibor, MTA TTK EI, tudományos munkatárs, MTA TTK EI
- Nagy Ádám, MTA TTK EI, tudományos segédmunkatárs, MTA TTK EI
A kutatócsoport friss publikációi:
- Patik, I., V. Székely, O. Német, Á. Szepesi, N. Kucsma, G. Várady, G. Szakács, É. Bakos, and C. Özvegy-Laczka. 2018. Identification of novel cell-impermeant fluorescent substrates for testing the function and drug interaction of Organic Anion-Transporting Polypeptides, OATP1B1/1B3 and 2B1. Sci. Rep. 8: 2630.
- Szöllősi, D., G. Szakács, P. Chiba, and T. Stockner. 2018. Dissecting the Forces that Dominate Dimerization of the Nucleotide Binding Domains of ABCB1. Biophys. J. 114: 331–342.
- Szabó, E., D. Türk, Á. Telbisz, N. Kucsma, T. Horváth, G. Szakács, L. Homolya, B. Sarkadi, and G. Várady. 2018. A new fluorescent dye accumulation assay for parallel measurements of the ABCG2, ABCB1 and ABCC1 multidrug transporter functions. PloS One 13: e0190629.
- Heffeter, P., V. F. S. Pape, E. A. Enyedy, B. K. Keppler, G. Szakacs, and C. R. Kowol. 2018. Anticancer thiosemicarbazones: chemical properties, interaction with iron metabolism, and resistance development. Antioxid. Redox Signal.
- Bauer, M., A. Matsuda, B. Wulkersdorfer, C. Philippe, A. Traxl, C. Özvegy-Laczka, J. Stanek, L. Nics, E.-M. Klebermass, S. Poschner, W. Jäger, I. Patik, É. Bakos, G. Szakács, W. Wadsak, M. Hacker, M. Zeitlinger, and O. Langer. 2017. Influence of OATPs on Hepatic Disposition of Erlotinib Measured With Positron Emission Tomography. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther.
- Sohail, M. I., D. Schmid, K. Wlcek, M. Spork, G. Szakács, M. Trauner, T. Stockner, and P. Chiba. 2017. Molecular Mechanism of Taurocholate Transport by the Bile Salt Export Pump, an ABC Transporter Associated with Intrahepatic Cholestasis. Mol. Pharmacol. 92: 401–413.
- Füredi, A., K. Szebényi, S. Tóth, M. Cserepes, L. Hámori, V. Nagy, E. Karai, P. Vajdovich, T. Imre, P. Szabó, D. Szüts, J. Tóvári, and G. Szakács. 2017. Pegylated liposomal formulation of doxorubicin overcomes drug resistance in a genetically engineered mouse model of breast cancer. J. Controlled Release 261: 287–296.
- Enyedi, K. N., S. Tóth, G. Szakács, and G. Mező. 2017. NGR-peptide-drug conjugates with dual targeting properties. PloS One 12: e0178632.
- Tátrai, E., A. Bartal, A. Gacs, S. Paku, I. Kenessey, T. Garay, B. Hegedűs, E. Molnár, M. T. Cserepes, Z. Hegedűs, N. Kucsma, G. Szakács, and J. Tóvári. 2017. Cell type-dependent HIF1 α-mediated effects of hypoxia on proliferation, migration and metastatic potential of human tumor cells. Oncotarget 8: 44498–44510.
- Dankó, B., S. Tóth, A. Martins, M. Vágvölgyi, N. Kúsz, J. Molnár, F.-R. Chang, Y.-C. Wu, G. Szakács, and A. Hunyadi. 2017. Synthesis and SAR Study of Anticancer Protoflavone Derivatives: Investigation of Cytotoxicity and Interaction with ABCB1 and ABCG2 Multidrug Efflux Transporters. ChemMedChem 12: 850–859.
- Dömötör, O., V. F. S. Pape, N. V. May, G. Szakács, and É. A. Enyedy. 2017. Comparative solution equilibrium studies of antitumor ruthenium(η6-p-cymene) and rhodium(η5-C5Me5) complexes of 8-hydroxyquinolines. Dalton Trans. Camb. Engl. 2003 46: 4382–4396.
- Langó, T., G. Róna, É. Hunyadi-Gulyás, L. Turiák, J. Varga, L. Dobson, G. Várady, L. Drahos, B. G. Vértessy, K. F. Medzihradszky, G. Szakács, and G. E. Tusnády. 2017. Identification of Extracellular Segments by Mass Spectrometry Improves Topology Prediction of Transmembrane Proteins. Sci. Rep. 7: 42610. doi: 10.1038/srep42610
- Füredi, A., S. Tóth, K. Szebényi, V. F. S. Pape, D. Türk, N. Kucsma, L. Cervenak, J. Tóvári, and G. Szakács. 2017. Identification and Validation of Compounds Selectively Killing Resistant Cancer: Delineating Cell Line–Specific Effects from P-Glycoprotein–Induced Toxicity. Mol. Cancer Ther. 16: 45–56. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-16-0333-T.
- Strittmatter, N., A. Lovrics, J. Sessler, J. S. McKenzie, Z. Bodai, M. L. Doria, N. Kucsma, G. Szakacs, and Z. Takats. 2016. Shotgun Lipidomic Profiling of the NCI60 Cell Line Panel Using Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 88: 7507–7514. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b00187.
- Englinger, B., D. Lötsch, C. Pirker, T. Mohr, S. van Schoonhoven, B. Boidol, C.-H. Lardeau, M. Spitzwieser, P. Szabó, P. Heffeter, I. Lang, M. Cichna-Markl, B. G.- Kraupp, B. Marian, M. Grusch, S. Kubicek, G. Szakács, W. Berger, B. Englinger, D. Lötsch, C. Pirker, T. Mohr, S. van Schoonhoven, B. Boidol, C.-H. Lardeau, M. Spitzwieser, P. Szabó, P. Heffeter, I. Lang, M. Cichna-Markl, B. Grasl- Kraupp, B. Marian, M. Grusch, S. Kubicek, G. Szakács, and W. Berger. 2016. Acquired nintedanib resistance in FGFR1-driven small cell lung cancer: role of endothelin-A receptor-activated ABCB1 expression. Oncotarget 5. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.10324.
- Pape, V. F. S., S. Tóth, A. Füredi, K. Szebényi, A. Lovrics, P. Szabó, M. Wiese, and G. Szakács. 2016. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of thiosemicarbazones, hydrazinobenzothiazoles and arylhydrazones as anticancer agents with a potential to overcome multidrug resistance. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 117: 335–354. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2016.03.078.
- Bársony, O., G. Szalóki, D. Türk, S. Tarapcsák, Z. Gutay-Tóth, Z. Bacsó, I. J. Holb, L. Székvölgyi, G. Szabó, L. Csanády, G. Szakács, and K. Goda. 2016. A single active catalytic site is sufficient to promote transport in P-glycoprotein. Sci. Rep. 6: 24810. doi: 10.1038/srep24810.
- Molnár, J., G. Szakács, and G. E. Tusnády. 2016. Characterization of Disease-Associated Mutations in Human Transmembrane Proteins. PloS One 11: e0151760. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151760.
- Patik, I., D. Kovacsics, O. Német, M. Gera, G. Várady, B. Stieger, B. Hagenbuch, G. Szakács, and C. Özvegy-Laczka. 2015. Functional expression of the 11 human Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptides in insect cells reveals that sodium fluorescein is a general OATP substrate. Biochem. Pharmacol. 98: 649–658. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2015.09.015.
- Szebényi, K., A. Füredi, O. Kolacsek, E. Pergel, Z. Bősze, B. Bender, P. Vajdovich, J. Tóvári, L. Homolya, G. Szakács, L. Héja, Á. Enyedi, B. Sarkadi, Á. Apáti, and T. I. Orbán. 2015. Generation of a Homozygous Transgenic Rat Strain Stably Expressing a Calcium Sensor Protein for Direct Examination of Calcium Signaling. Sci. Rep. 5: 12645. doi: 10.1038/srep12645.
- Tóth, A., A. Brózik, G. Szakács, B. Sarkadi, and T. Hegedüs. 2015. A Novel Mathematical Model Describing Adaptive Cellular Drug Metabolism and Toxicity in the Chemoimmune System. PLoS ONE 10: e0115533. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115533.
- Kiss, K., N. Kucsma, A. Brozik, G. E. Tusnady, P. Bergam, G. van Niel, and G. Szakacs. 2015. Role of the N-terminal transmembrane domain in the endo-lysosomal targeting and function of the human ABCB6 protein. Biochem. J. 467: 127–139. doi: 10.1042/BJ20141085.
- Pape, V. F. S., D. Türk, P. Szabó, M. Wiese, E. A. Enyedy, and G. Szakács. 2015. Synthesis and characterization of the anticancer and metal binding properties of novel pyrimidinylhydrazone derivatives. J. Inorg. Biochem. 144: 18–30. doi: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2014.12.015.
- Gál, Z., C. Hegedüs, G. Szakács, A. Váradi, B. Sarkadi, and C. Özvegy-Laczka. 2015. Mutations of the central tyrosines of putative cholesterol recognition amino acid consensus (CRAC) sequences modify folding, activity, and sterol-sensing of the human ABCG2 multidrug transporter. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1848: 477–487.doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2014.11.006.
- Koszarska, M., N. Kucsma, K. Kiss, G. Varady, M. Gera, G. Antalffy, H. Andrikovics, A. Tordai, M. Studzian, D. Strapagiel, L. Pulaski, Y. Tani, B. Sarkadi, and G. Szakacs. 2014. Screening the expression of ABCB6 in erythrocytes reveals an unexpectedly high frequency of Lan mutations in healthy individuals. PloS One 9: e111590. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111590.
- Kiss, L., É. Hellinger, A.-M. Pilbat, Á. Kittel, Z. Török, A. Füredi, G. Szakács, S. Veszelka, P. Sipos, B. Ózsvári, L. G. Puskás, M. Vastag, P. Szabó-Révész, and M. A. Deli. 2014. Sucrose esters increase drug penetration, but do not inhibit p-glycoprotein in caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells. J. Pharm. Sci. 103: 3107–3119. doi: 10.1002/jps.24085.
- Szakács, G., M. D. Hall, M. M. Gottesman, A. Boumendjel, R. Kachadourian, B. J. Day, H. Baubichon-Cortay, and A. Di Pietro. 2014. Targeting the Achilles Heel of Multidrug-Resistant Cancer by Exploiting the Fitness Cost of Resistance. Chem. Rev. 114: 5753–5774. doi: 10.1021/cr4006236
- Erdei, Z., R. Lőrincz, K. Szebényi, A. Péntek, N. Varga, I. Likó, G. Várady, G. Szakács, T. I. Orbán, B. Sarkadi, and A. Apáti. 2014. Expression pattern of the human ABC transporters in pluripotent embryonic stem cells and in their derivatives. Cytometry B Clin. Cytom. . doi: 10.1002/cyto.b.21168.
- Gauthier, C., C. Ozvegy-Laczka, G. Szakacs, B. Sarkadi, and A. Di Pietro. 2013. ABCG2 is not able to catalyze glutathione efflux and does not contribute to GSH-dependent collateral sensitivity. Front. Pharmacol. 4: 138. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2013.00138.
- 30. Winter, E., F. Lecerf-Schmidt, G. Gozzi, B. Peres, M. Lightbody, C. Gauthier, C. Ozvegy-Laczka, G. Szakacs, B. Sarkadi, T. B. Creczynski-Pasa, A. Boumendjel, and A. Di Pietro. 2013. Structure-activity relationships of chromone derivatives toward the mechanism of interaction with and inhibition of breast cancer resistance protein ABCG2. J. Med. Chem. 56: 9849–9860. doi: 10.1021/jm401649j.
- Pomozi, V., O. L. Saux, C. Brampton, A. Apana, A. Iliás, F. Szeri, L. Martin, K. Monostory, S. Paku, B. Sarkadi, G. Szakács, and A. Váradi. 2013. ABCC6 Is a Basolateral Plasma Membrane Protein. Circ. Res. 112: e148–e151. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.111.300194.
- Stires H, Heckler MM, Fu X, Li Z, Grasso CS, Quist MJ, Lewis JA, Klimach U, Zwart A, Mahajan A, Győrffy B, Cavalli LR, Riggins RB. Integrated molecular analysis of Tamoxifen-resistant invasive lobular breast cancer cells identifies MAPK and GRM/mGluR signaling as therapeutic vulnerabilities. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2017 Sep 19. pii: S0303-7207(17)30509-9. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2017.09.024. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28935545.
- Abdul-Rahman U, Győrffy B, Adams BD. linc00673 (ERRLR01) is a prognostic indicator of overall survival in breast cancer. Transcription. 2017 Aug 10:1-13. doi: 10.1080/21541264.2017.1329684. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28795861.
- *Pongor L, Harami-Papp H, Méhes E, Czirók A, Győrffy B. Cell Dispersal Influences Tumor Heterogeneity and Introduces a Bias in NGS Data Interpretation. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 4;7(1):7358. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-07487-z. PubMed PMID: 28779157; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5544774.
- *Menyhart O, Budczies J, Munkácsy G, Esteva FJ, Szabó A, Miquel TP, Győrffy B. DUSP4 is associated with increased resistance against anti-HER2 therapy in breast cancer. Oncotarget. 2017 Aug 24;8(44):77207-77218. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.20430. eCollection 2017 Sep 29. PubMed PMID: 29100381; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5652774.
- Budczies J, Denkert C, Győrffy B, Schirmacher P, Stenzinger A. Chromosome 9p copy number gains involving PD-L1 are associated with a specific proliferation and immune-modulating gene expression program active across major cancer types. BMC Med Genomics. 2017 Dec 6;10(1):74. doi: 10.1186/s12920-017-0308-8. PubMed PMID: 29212506; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5719741.
- Chung SJ, Nagaraju GP, Nagalingam A, Muniraj N, Kuppusamy P, Walker A, Woo J, Győrffy B, Gabrielson E, Saxena NK, Sharma D. ADIPOQ/adiponectin induces cytotoxic autophagy in breast cancer cells through STK11/LKB1-mediated activation of the AMPK-ULK1 axis. Autophagy. 2017 Aug 3;13(8):1386-1403. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2017.1332565. Epub 2017 Jul 11. PubMed PMID: 28696138; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5584870.
- Sengupta S, Nagalingam A, Muniraj N, Bonner MY, Mistriotis P, Afthinos A, Kuppusamy P, Lanoue D, Cho S, Korangath P, Shriver M, Begum A, Merino VF, Huang CY, Arbiser JL, Matsui W, Győrffy B, Konstantopoulos K, Sukumar S, Marignani PA, Saxena NK, Sharma D. Activation of tumor suppressor LKB1 by honokiol abrogates cancer stem-like phenotype in breast cancer via inhibition of oncogenic Stat3. Oncogene. 2017 Oct 12;36(41):5709-5721. doi: 10.1038/onc.2017.164. Epub 2017 Jun 5. PubMed PMID: 28581518.
- Ligeti B, Menyhárt O, Petric I, Győrffy B, Pongor S. Propagation on Molecular Interaction Networks: Prediction of Effective Drug Combinations and Biomarkers in Cancer Treatment. Curr Pharm Des. 2017;23(1):5-28. doi: 10.2174/1381612822666161021162727. Review. PubMed PMID: 27774896.
- Ács B, Madaras L, Kovács KA, Micsik T, Tőkés AM, Győrffy B, Kulka J, Szász AM. Reproducibility and Prognostic Potential of Ki-67 Proliferation Index when Comparing Digital-Image Analysis with Standard Semi-Quantitative Evaluation in Breast Cancer. Pathol Oncol Res. 2018 Jan;24(1):115-127. doi: 10.1007/s12253-017-0220-8. Epub 2017 Apr 11. PubMed PMID: 28401450.
- Xu H, Han Y, Lou J, Zhang H, Zhao Y, Győrffy B, Li R. PDGFRA, HSD17B4 and HMGB2 are potential therapeutic targets in polycystic ovarian syndrome and breast cancer. Oncotarget. 2017 May 13;8(41):69520-69526. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.17846. eCollection 2017 Sep 19. PubMed PMID: 29050221; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5642496.
- Safonov A, Jiang T, Bianchini G, Győrffy B, Karn T4, Hatzis C, Pusztai L. Immune Gene Expression Is Associated with Genomic Aberrations in Breast Cancer. Cancer Res. 2017 Jun 15;77(12):3317-3324. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-3478.
- Martínez-Canales S, Cifuentes F, López De Rodas Gregorio M, Serrano-Oviedo L, Galán-Moya EM, Amir E, Pandiella A, Győrffy B, Ocaña A. Transcriptomic immunologic signature associated with favorable clinical outcome in basal-like breast tumors. PLoS One. 2017 May 4;12(5):e0175128. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0175128.
- Ács B, Kulka J, Kovács KA, Teleki I, Tőkés AM, Meczker Á, Győrffy B, Madaras L, Krenács T, Szász AM. Comparison of five Ki67 antibodies regarding reproducibility and capacity to predict prognosis in breast cancer: Does the antibody matter? Hum Pathol. 2017 Feb 8. pii: S0046-8177(17)30032-1. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2017.01.011.
- Iwamoto T, Katagiri T, Niikura N, Miyoshi Y, Kochi M, Nogami T, Shien T, Motoki T, Taira N, Omori M, Tokuda Y, Fujiwara T, Doihara H, Gyorffy B, Matsuoka J. Immunohistochemical Ki67 after short-term hormone therapy identifies low-risk breast cancers as reliably as genomic markers. Oncotarget. 2017 Apr 18;8(16):26122-26128. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.15385.
- Sávolt Á, Péley G, Polgár C, Udvarhelyi N, Rubovszky G, Kovács E, Győrffy B, Kásler M, Mátrai Z. Eight-year follow up result of the OTOASOR trial: The Optimal Treatment Of the Axilla - Surgery Or Radiotherapy after positive sentinel lymph node biopsy in early-stage breast cancer: A randomized, single centre, phase III, non-inferiority trial. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2017 Apr;43(4):672-679. doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2016.12.011.
- Bellanger A, Donini CF, Vendrell JA, Lavaud J, Machuca-Gayet I, Ruel M, Vollaire J, Grisard E, Győrffy B, Bièche I, Peyruchaud O, Coll JL, Treilleux I, Maguer-Satta V, Josserand V, Cohen PA. The critical role of the ZNF217 oncogene in promoting breast cancer metastasis to the bone. J Pathol. 2017 May;242(1):73-89. doi: 10.1002/path.4882.
- Pérez-Peña J, Alcaraz-Sanabria A, Nieto-Jiménez C, Páez R, Corrales-Sánchez V, Serrano-Oviedo L, Wali VB, Patwardhan GA, Amir E, Győrffy B, Pandiella A, Ocaña A. Mitotic read-out genes confer poor outcome in luminal A breast cancer tumors. Oncotarget. 2017 Mar 28;8(13):21733-21740. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.15562.
- Bottai G, Diao L, Baggerly KA, Paladini L, Győrffy B, Raschioni C, Pusztai L, Calin GA, Santarpia L.Integrated MicroRNA-mRNA Profiling Identifies Oncostatin M as a Marker of Mesenchymal-LikeER-Negative/HER2-Negative Breast Cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Jan 19;18(1). pii: E194. doi: 10.3390/ijms18010194.
- McDermott MS, Chumanevich AA, Lim CU, Liang J, Chen M, Altilia S, Oliver D, Rae JM, Shtutman M, Kiaris H, Győrffy B, Roninson IB, Broude EV. Inhibition of CDK8 mediator kinase suppresses estrogen dependent transcription and the growth of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer. Oncotarget. 2017 Feb 21;8(8):12558-12575. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.14894.
- Xie B, Nagalingam A, Kuppusamy P, Muniraj N, Langford P, Győrffy B, Saxena NK, Sharma D. Benzyl Isothiocyanate potentiates p53 signaling and antitumor effects against breast cancer through activation of p53-LKB1 and p73-LKB1 axes. 1. Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 10;7:40070. doi: 10.1038/srep40070.
- Szász AM, Győrffy B, Marko-Varga G. Cancer heterogeneity determined by functional proteomics. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2017 Apr;64:132-142. doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2016.08.026.
- Kang MH, Jeong KJ, Kim WY, Lee HJ, Gong G, Suh N, Győrffy B, Kim S, Jeong SY, Mills GB, Park YY. Musashi RNA-binding protein 2 regulates estrogen receptor 1 function in breast cancer. Oncogene. 2017 Mar 23;36(12):1745-1752. doi: 10.1038/onc.2016.327.
- *Menyhárt O, Harami-Papp H, Sukumar S, Schäfer R, Magnani L, de Barrios O, Győrffy B. Guidelines for the selection of functional assays to evaluate the hallmarks of cancer. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016 Dec;1866(2):300-319. doi: 10.1016/j.bbcan.2016.10.002. Review. PubMed PMID: 27742530.
- *Lánczky A, Nagy Á, Bottai G, Munkácsy G, Szabó A, Santarpia L, Győrffy B. miRpower: a web-tool to validate survival-associated miRNAs utilizing expression data from 2178 breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2016 Dec;160(3):439-446. PubMed PMID: 27744485.
- *Győrffy B, Bottai G, Fleischer T, Munkácsy G, Budczies J, Paladini L, Børresen-Dale AL, Kristensen VN, Santarpia L. Aberrant DNA methylation impacts gene expression and prognosis in breast cancer subtypes. Int J Cancer. 2016 Jan 1;138(1):87-97. doi: 10.1002/ijc.29684.
- *Harami-Papp H, Pongor LS, Munkácsy G, Horváth G, Nagy ÁM, Ambrus A, Hauser P, Szabó A, Tretter L, Győrffy B. TP53 mutation hits energy metabolism and increases glycolysis in breast cancer. Oncotarget. 2016. 7(41):67183-67195. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.11594.
- Jiang T, Shi W, Wali VB, Pongor LS, Li C, Lau R, Győrffy B, Lifton RP, Symmans WF, Pusztai L, Hatzis C. Predictors of Chemosensitivity in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: An Integrated Genomic Analysis. PLoS Med. 2016 Dec 13;13(12):e1002193. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002193.
- Bottai G, Raschioni C, Székely B, Di Tommaso L, Szász AM, Losurdo A, Győrffy B, Ács B, Torrisi R, Karachaliou N, Tőkés T, Caruso M, Kulka J, Roncalli M, Santoro A, Mantovani A, Rosell R, Reis-Filho JS, Santarpia L. AXL-associated tumor inflammation as a poor prognostic signature in chemotherapy-treated triple-negative breast cancer patients. NPJ Breast Cancer. 2016 Nov 2;2:16033. doi: 10.1038/npjbcancer.2016.33. eCollection 2016. PubMed PMID: 28721387; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5515347.
- Santarpia L, Bottai G, Kelly CM, Győrffy B, Székely B, Pusztai L. Deciphering and Targeting Oncogenic Mutations and Pathways in Breast Cancer. Oncologist. 2016 Sep;21(9):1063-78. doi: 10.1634/theoncologist.2015-0369. Review. PubMed PMID: 27384237.
- Sadik H, Korangath P, Nguyen NK, Győrffy B, Kumar R, Hedayati M, Teo WW, Park S, Panday H, Munoz TG, Menyhart O, Shah N, Pandita RK, Chang JC, DeWeese T, Chang HY, Pandita TK, Sukumar S. HOXC10 Expression Supports the Development of Chemotherapy Resistance by Fine Tuning DNA Repair in Breast Cancer Cells. Cancer Res. 2016 Aug 1;76(15):4443-56. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-0774. PubMed PMID: 27302171.
- Patel H, Abduljabbar R, Lai CF, Periyasamy M, Harrod A, Gemma C, Steel JH, Patel N, Busonero C, Jerjees D, Remenyi J, Smith S, Gomm JJ, Magnani L, Győrffy B, Jones LJ, Fuller-Pace F, Shousha S, Buluwela L, Rakha EA, Ellis IO, Coombes RC, Ali S. Expression of CDK7, Cyclin H, and MAT1 Is Elevated in Breast Cancer and Is Prognostic in Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2016 Dec 1;22(23):5929-5938. PubMed PMID: 27301701.
- Han Y, Lian S, Cui X, Meng K, Győrffy B, Jin T, Huang D. Potential options for managing LOX+ ER- breast cancer patients. Oncotarget. 2016 May 31;7(22):32893-901. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.9073. PubMed PMID: 27147578.
- Kulka J, Székely B, Lukács LV, Kiss O, Tőkés AM, Vincze E, Turányi E, Fillinger J, Hanzély Z, Arató G, Szendrői M, Győrffy B, Szász AM. Comparison of Predictive Immunohistochemical Marker Expression of Primary Breast Cancer and Paired Distant Metastasis using Surgical Material: A Practice-Based Study. J Histochem Cytochem. 2016 Apr;64(4):256-67. doi: 10.1369/0022155416639013.
- Adams BD, Wali VB, Cheng CJ, Inukai S, Booth CJ, Agarwal S, Rimm DL, Győrffy B, Santarpia L, Pusztai L, Saltzman WM, Slack FJ. miR-34a Silences c-SRC to Attenuate Tumor Growth in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Cancer Res. 2016 Feb 15;76(4):927-39. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-15-2321.
- Catalano S, Campana A, Giordano C, Győrffy B, Tarallo R, Rinaldi A, Bruno G, Ferraro A, Romeo F, Lanzino M, Naro F, Bonofiglio D, Andò S, Barone I. Expression and Function of Phosphodiesterase Type 5 in Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines and Tissues: Implications for Targeted Therapy. Clin Cancer Res. 2016 May 1;22(9):2271-82. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-15-1900.
- Madaras L, Bálint N, Győrffy B, Tőkés AM, Barshack I, Yosepovich A, Friedman E, Paluch-Shimon S, Zippel D, Baghy K, Timár J, Kovalszky I, Kulka J, Szász AM. BRCA Mutation-Related and Claudin-Low Breast Cancer: Blood Relatives or Stepsisters. Pathobiology. 2016;83(1):1-12. doi: 10.1159/000439135.
- Giordano C, Chemi F, Panza S, Barone I, Bonofiglio D, Lanzino M, Cordella A, Campana A, Hashim A, Rizza P, Leggio A, Győrffy B, Simões BM, Clarke RB, Weisz A, Catalano S, Andò S. Leptin as a mediator of tumor-stromal interactions promotes breast cancer stem cell activity. Oncotarget. 2016 Jan 12;7(2):1262-75. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.6014.
- *Győrffy B, Hatzis C, Sanft T, Hofstatter E, Aktas B, Pusztai L. Multigene prognostic tests in breast cancer: past, present, future. Breast Cancer Res. 2015 Dec;17(1):514. PubMed PMID: 25778354.
- *Győrffy B, Karn T, Sztupinszki Z, Weltz B, Müller V, Pusztai L. Dynamic classification using case-specific training cohorts outperforms static gene expression signatures in breast cancer. Int J Cancer. 2015 May 1;136(9):2091-8. PMID: 25274406.
- *Pongor L, Kormos M, Hatzis C, Pusztai L, Szabó A, Győrffy B. A genome-wide approach to link genotype to clinical outcome by utilizing next generation sequencing and gene chip data of 6,697 breast cancer patients. Genome Med. 2015 Oct 16;7(1):104. doi: 10.1186/s13073-015-0228-1. PubMed PMID: 26474971.
- *Menyhárt O, Santarpia L, Győrffy B. A Comprehensive Outline of Trastuzumab Resistance Biomarkers in HER2 Overexpressing Breast Cancer. Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2015;15(8):665-83. PubMed PMID: 26452383.
- *Ligeti B, Pénzváltó Z, Vera R, Pongor S, Győrffy B. A network-based Target Overlap Score for characterizing Drug Combinations: High Correlation with Cancer Clinical Trial Results, PLoS One. 2015 Jun 5;10(6):e0129267. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129267. eCollection 2015. PMID: 26047322.
- Nguyen VT, Barozzi I, Faronato M, Lombardo Y, Steel JH, Patel N, Darbre P, Castellano L, Győrffy B, Woodley L, Meira A, Patten DK, Vircillo V, Periyasamy M, Ali S, Frige G, Minucci S, Coombes RC, Magnani L. Differential epigenetic reprogramming in response to specific endocrine therapies promotes cholesterol biosynthesis and cellular invasion. Nat Commun. 2015 Nov 27;6:10044. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10044.
- Budczies J, Bockmayr M, Denkert C, Klauschen F, Lennerz JK, Győrffy B, Dietel M, Loibl S, Weichert W, Stenzinger A. Classical pathology and mutational load of breast cancer – integration of two worlds. Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research. 2015;1(4):225-238.
- Broude EV, Győrffy B, Chumanevich AA, Chen M, McDermott MS, Shtutman M, Catroppo JF, Roninson IB. Expression of CDK8 and CDK8-interacting Genes as Potential Biomarkers in Breast Cancer. Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2015;15(8):739-49. PubMed PMID: 26452386.
- Periyasamy M, Patel H, Lai CF, Nguyen VT, Nevedomskaya E, Harrod A, Russell R, Remenyi J, Ochocka AM, Thomas RS, Fuller-Pace F, Győrffy B, Caldas C, Navaratnam N, Carroll JS, Zwart W, Coombes RC, Magnani L, Buluwela L, Ali S. APOBEC3B-Mediated Cytidine Deamination Is Required for Estrogen Receptor Action in Breast Cancer. Cell Rep. 2015 Oct 6;13(1):108-21. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.08.066. Epub 2015 Sep 24. PubMed PMID: 26411678.
- Magnani L, Patten DK, Nguyen VT, Hong SP, Steel JH, Patel N, Lombardo Y, Faronato M, Gomes AR, Woodley L, Page K, Guttery D, Primrose L, Fernandez Garcia D, Shaw J, Viola P, Green A, Nolan C, Ellis IO, Rakha EA, Shousha S, Lam EW, Győrffy B, Lupien M, Coombes RC. The pioneer factor PBX1 is a novel driver of metastatic progression in ERα-positive breast cancer. Oncotarget. 2015 Sep 8;6(26):21878-91. PubMed PMID: 26215677.
- Jin K, Park S, Teo WW, Korangath P, Cho SS, Yoshida T, Győrffy B, Goswami CP, Nakshatri H, Cruz LA, Zhou W, Ji H, Su Y, Ekram M, Wu Z, Zhu T, Polyak K, Sukumar S. HOXB7 Is an ERα Cofactor in the Activation of HER2 and Multiple ER Target Genes Leading to Endocrine Resistance. Cancer Discov. 2015 Sep;5(9):944-59. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-15-0090. Epub 2015 Jul 15. PubMed PMID: 26180042;
- Lan L, Holland JD, Qi J, Grosskopf S, Vogel R, Győrffy B, Wulf-Goldenberg A, Birchmeier W. Shp2 signaling suppresses senescence in PyMT-induced mammary gland cancer in mice. EMBO J. 2015 Jun 3;34(11):1493-508. PMID: 25736378.
- Grabner B, Schramek D, Mueller KM, Moll HP, Svinka J, Hoffmann T, Bauer E, Blaas L, Hruschka N, Zboray K, Stiedl P, Nivarthi H, Bogner E, Gruber W, Mohr T, Zwick RH, Kenner L, Poli V, Aberger F, Stoiber D, Egger G, Esterbauer H, Zuber J, Moriggl R, Eferl R, Győrffy B, Penninger JM, Popper H, Casanova E. Disruption of STAT3 signalling promotes KRAS-induced lung tumorigenesis. Nat Commun. 2015 Mar 3;6:6285. PubMed PMID: 25734337.
- Budczies J, Pfitzner BM, Győrffy B, Winzer KJ, Radke C, Dietel M, Fiehn O, Denkert C. Glutamate enrichment as new diagnostic opportunity in breast cancer. Int J Cancer. 2015 Apr;136(7):1619-28. PMID: 25155347.
- Labidi-Galy SI, Clauss A, Ng V, Duraisamy S, Elias KM, Piao HY, Bilal E, Davidowitz RA, Lu Y, Badalian-Very G, Győrffy B, Kang UB, Ficarro S, Ganesan S, Mills GB, Marto JA, Drapkin R. Elafin drives poor outcome in high-grade serous ovarian cancers and basal-like breast tumors. Oncogene. 2015 Jan 15;34(3):373-83. PMID: 24469047.
- Sänger N, Ruckhäberle E, Győrffy B, Engels K, Heinrich T, Fehm T, Graf A, Holtrich U, Becker S, Karn T. Acid ceramidase is associated with an improved prognosis in both DCIS and invasive breast cancer. Mol Oncol. 2015 Jan;9(1):58-67. PMID: 25131496.
- *Győrffy B, Bottai G, Lehmann-Che J, Kéri G, Őrfi L, Iwamoto T, Desmedt C, Bianchini G, Turner NC, de Thè´ H, André F, Sotiriou C, Hortobagyi GN, Di Leo A, Pusztai L, Santarpia L. TP53 mutation-modulated genes predict the risk of tumor relapse and identify MPS1 as a potential therapeutic kinase in TP53-mutated breast cancers , Mol Oncol, 2014 May;8(3):508-19.
- Nguyen NT, Vendrell JA, Poulard C, Győrffy B, Goddard-Léon S, Biècheg I, Corbo L, Le Romancer M, Bachelot T, Treilleux I, Cohen PA. A functional interplay between ZNF217 and Estrogen Receptor alpha exists in luminal breast cancers, Mol Oncol 2014 Dec;8(8):1441-57.
- Teleki I, Szász AM, Maros ME, Győrffy B, Kulka J, Meggyeshazi N, Kiszner G, Balla P, Samu A, Krenács T. Correlations of differentially expressed gap junction connexins Cx26, Cx30, Cx32, Cx43 and Cx46 with breast cancer progression and prognosis. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 10;9(11):e112541. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112541.
- Shi W, Balazs B, Qi Y, Györffy B, Wang B, Liu CG, Shiang CY, Valero V, Moulder-Thompson S, Avritscher R, Powis G, Hortobagyi GN, Natowicz R, Weinstein J, Symmans WF, Pusztai L. Combined analysis of gene expression, DNA copy number and mutation profiling data to display biological process anomalies in individual cancers. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2014 Apr;144(3):561-8.
- *Mihály Zs, Kormos M, Lánczky A, Dank M, Budczies J, Szász AM, Győrffy B. A meta-analysis of gene expression based biomarkers predicting outcome after tamoxifen treatment in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2013 Jul;140(2):219-32. doi: 10.1007/s10549-013-2622-y.
- *Pénzváltó Zs, Tegze B, Szász AM, Sztupinszki Zs, Likó I, Szendrői A, Schäfer R, Győrffy B. Identifying Resistance Mechanisms against five Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Targeting the ERBB/RAS Pathway in 45 Cancer Cell Lines. PLoS One, 2013;8(3):e59503. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0059503.
- *Mihály Zs, Győrffy B. Improving Pathological Assessment of Breast Cancer by Employing Array-Based Transcriptome Analysis, Microarrays 2013, 2(3), 228-242; doi: 10.3390/microarrays2030228
- Magnani L, Stoeck A, Zhang X, Lánczky A, Mirabella AC, Wang TL, Győrffy B, Lupien M. Genome-wide reprogramming of the chromatin landscape underlies endocrine therapy resistance in breast cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Apr 16;110(16):E1490-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1219992110
- Staiger C, Cadot S, Győrffy B, Wessels LF, Klau GW. Current composite-feature classification methods do not outperform simple single-genes classifiers in breast cancer prognosis. Front Genet. 2013 Dec 23;4:289. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2013.00289. PubMed PMID: 24391662; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3870302
- Holland JD, Győrffy B, Vogel R, Eckert K, Valenti G, Fang L, Lohneis P, Elezkurtaj S, Ziebold U, Birchmeier W. Combined Wnt/β-Catenin, Met, and CXCL12/CXCR4 Signals Characterize Basal Breast Cancer and Predict Disease Outcome. Cell Rep. 2013 Dec 12;5(5):1214-27. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2013.11.001
- Bockmayr M, Klauschen F, Győrffy B, Denkert C, Budczies J. New network topology approaches reveal differential correlation patterns in breast cancer. BMC Syst Biol. 2013 Aug 15;7:78. doi: 10.1186/1752-0509-7-78
- Malek A, Győrffy B, Catapano CV, Schäfer R. Selection of optimal combinations of target genes for therapeutic multi-gene silencing based on miRNA co-regulation. Cancer Gene Therapy, 2013 May;20(5):326-9. doi: 10.1038/cgt.2013.20
- Maciejczyk A, Szelachowska J, Czapiga B, Matkowski R, Halon A, Györffy B, Surowiak P. Elevated BUBR1 Expression Is Associated with Poor Survival in Early Breast Cancer Patients--16 Years Follow-up Analysis. J Histochem Cytochem. 2013 May;61(5):330-9. doi: 10.1369/0022155413480148.
- Szász AM, Eklund AC, Li Q, Sztupinszki Z, Tőkés AM, Rowan A, Székely B, Kiss A, Szendrői M, Győrffy B, Szállási Z, Swanton C, Kulka J. The CIN4 chromosomal instability qPCR classifier defines tumour aneuploidy and stratifies outcome in grade 2 breast cancer. PLoS One, 2013;8(2):e56707. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056707.
- Maciejczyk A, Lacko A, Ekiert M, Jagoda E, Wysocka T, Matkowski R , Halon A, Győrffy B, Lage H, Surowiak P. Elevated nuclear S100P expression is associated with poor survival in early breast cancer patients. Histology and Histopathology, 2013 Apr;28(4):513-24.
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