S100 protein family-based biomarker assay development

Heads of the research group: GÁBOR PÁL and LÁSZLÓ NYITRAY

S100 protein family-based biomarker assay development

Research concept

Members of the Ca2+-binding S100 protein family are considered as biomarkers in various tumors, chronic inflammation and traumatic brain injuries. Overexpression of these proteins and their appearance in several body fluids correlates with the above clinical states, therefore their quantitative data are considered as diagnostic / prognostic biomarkers. In addition, some of the S100 protein-protein interaction inhibitors are promising drug candidates as well. On the market, there are already antibody-based ELISA methods for S100 concentration determination. We are developing independent alternative procedures that can deliver certain important extra information not provided by the available ELISA-methods.

Human resources

  • László Nyitray, professor, PhD, habil., Doctor of HAS
  • Gábor Pál, associate professor, PhD

Recent publications of the research group